Thursday, November 06, 2008

Insanely Jealous

Why, you might ask? Because the operator of Manila Fights has assembled a group of fine looking young Filipino ladies to wrestle for our benefit just wearing the smallest of bikinis, and occassionally topless. I'm sure arranging all of this is harder than it looks, but just for a moment let me dream about how wonderful it would be to have these ladies tussle for my benefit in a tropical paradise. I strongly suggest clicking on the photo to enlarge it.

A Spectacular Trailer

This trailer, for "The Lightweights Ordeal" by the sadly defunct Video Sports Limited, stands the test of time. The women are attractive, shapely and wrestle skillfully in minuscule g-strings. The trailer includes not only solid snippets of action, but also some behind the scenes footage of the ladies in the gym and smiling for the camera, as well as great before and after shots in the ring. An added bonus -- and a big one in my book -- is that the room was kept hot so the wrestlers develop a nice sheen of sweat as the matches continue.

From a technical perspective, I can't say enough good things about the way the matches were filmed. I'm a big fan of having ladies wrestle in a ring, even if they're not doing pro-style, because it allows the camera to shoot at "mat level" and also to look up at the ladies. To me, this is critical because simply looking down at the women on a mat is somewhat tiresome. Another smart element is that the background is all black, which allows the viewer to concentrate on the action and not wonder where all the empty chairs came from (as compared to some Japanese pro-style videos). Plus, having a female narrator -- GENIUS!!!

Terrence Young's "Amazons"

Although this blog refers to photos, I thought I would step into the 21st century and also post some favorite videos from DailyMotion (which doesn't seem to have the same hang-up with nudity as YouTube). The merits of this clip don't require analysis: beautiful, lightly oiled women wrestling nude on a rug with full scale B-movie effects. After all, when was the last time you saw someone go to the trouble to simulate flashes of lightning outside of the curtained windows?